Creative Review Photography Annual 2012
Two of my recent personal projects have just been selected for the Creative Review photography Annual 2012. It's work from Mongolia and Manila shot over the last 12 months.
One of the mainy riverside communities that people build to house themselves. In the background is the new financial district of Makati City. January 2012
Liselle Alba, aged 27, at her home trying to get her youngest daughter, Allye Mae aged 1, to sleep in the Vista district of Manila. She lives here in one makeshift room with her husband and her seven children. January 2012.
Robilyn Dizon, aged 5, laying in her coffin. Her mother, Rochella, is unsuch what she died of. She caught a sudden fever and died within several days. She is laying in a wake as her parents cannot afford to bury her. The law in manila allows gambling at wakes as a way for relatives to raise money for the funeral. This means bodies can lay in wake for several weeks. The smell gets intense.
Children playingon the burning rubbish on the shore line in a community called 'Happyland', Manila. January 2012
Miners working on small private mines on the outskirts for Ulan Bataar. The area was once an opencast coal mine and is now used by ex miners who dig swallow pits for the remains of the coal. Ulan Bataar, September 2011.
Landscape on the outskirts for Ulan Bataar. The area was once an opencast coal mine and is now used by ex miners who dig swallow pits for the remains of the coal. Ulan Bataar, September 2011.
Old Soviet style apartment blocks. Ulan Bataar. September 2011
Buyn delger Bayrmagnai getting ready for school at his family home in Ulaanbaatar. The family live in a small two roomed house in the Ger district. One of the neighbours looks after them during the day while both parents look for work.
The family dog watches on as Buynnemeh Chinges and Buynnemeh Shinzorig playing in the compound of their homes.