The world’s successor to the throne of commercialization was a natural documentary subject. Shanghai is a perfect example of how China has fast-tracked in its adoption of western, capitalist growth. The creation of a global megalopolis has resulted in the fast disappearance of old China as developers, consumers and urban refugees have converged in their enthusiasm for neon and shopping. The rest of life, seems to have been crow-barred in the spaces left between so much development.
Commuters crowded onto a local bus. Nanjing Road. Shanghai. February 2005
A large outdoor video display reflected on a advertising poster of a young western child. Nanjing Road. Shanghai. February 2005
One of the few old tenament blocks left in the centre of Shanghai. Most of them have been swept away in the drive to profit from the property boom that has engulfed China. October 2006
People resting on the Nanjing Road, which is Shanghai's main shopping street. february 2005.
One of the women who work as bar staff at one of the nightclubs on the Madang Road, Shanghai. Many sell sexual services to supplement their meger income and to support their families. October 2006.
A couple walking in the park planted under the A20/A8 motorway junction. Shanghai. October 2006
Police on parade at the Bund on National Day. October 2006
Washing hanging out in tenements near the Nanpu bridge. Shanghai. May 2006
The nightscape of Pudong from the Bund, Shanghai, May 2006.
Men drinking at one of the nightclubs on the Madang Road, Shanghai, February 2005.
Men watching police arrest a busker, Taipingqiao Park, Shanghai. October 2007.
A old poster of Mao on the wall of an old temement block. Shanghai. October 2006.
A worker carrying a bowl to wash himself after the early nightshift in central Shanghai. Many of the construction workers live on the sites were they work and are immigrants from the countryside who have been displaced by economic hardship. May 2007.
The tower of the Meridien Hotel, Shanghai. February 2005
A freshly planted tree outside a new office development, Shanghai, May 2006
Reflections from displays at one of the Malls in Xujiahui, Shanghai, February 2005.
Chinese flag on the Xiaodongmen Diduan Hospital. May 2006
Platform staff at the tourist Tunnel from Pudong to the Bund, Shanghai, February 2005