Now that the military dictatorship in Myanmar is coming to an end the country has become one of the new frontier states on the tourist trail. The country is famous for it's temples and monks so I decided to look a bit more under the skin of the place so I focused on two local sports. One is called Sepak takraw and is like volleyball except you can only use your feet. it's very acrobatic. The rules are similar to volleyball in that the court and net are the same and each team gets three touches of the ball before it has to be returned over the net. Looking at the images after the game it's amazing to see the acrobatic position the players achieve when flying through the air.
Using the last of the day's light to finish off a game of Sepak takraw
Using the last of the day's light to finish off a game of Sepak takraw
A Sepak takraw in full acrobatic pose during a local competition, Yangon, Myanmar
A Sepak takraw in full acrobatic pose during a local competition, Yangon, Myanmar
A large crowd gathers to watch a local competition of Sepak takraw. Yangon, Myanmar
A Sepak takraw in full acrobatic pose during a local competition, Yangon, Myanmar
Onlookers on a local private bus watch a local competition of Sepak takraw. Yangon, Myanmar
An evening game of Sepak takraw. Yangon, Myanmar.
Onlookers pause to watch a game of Sepak takraw. Yangon, Myanmar
Tun Lwin Moe resting during some sparring in training for his fight at the weekend. He'll be representing Myanmar against Japan.
Training at the gym with a punchbag made up of four truck tyres.
The gym
Neck strengthening in the gym.
Tun Lwin Moe preparing for the fight in the changing room. He's representing Myanmar in a completion with visiting Japanese fighters.
The fight
In the corner after the first round.
Tun getting instructions from his trainer after the second round. The fight was eventually stopped after Tun opponent was too cut to continue.
Another one of the Japanese fighters after the first round.
Having just lost the fight the Japanese fighter congratulates his Myan opponent.
One of the Japanese boxers being consoled after losing his fight.