In 1996 I approached the NGO Survival International about producing a couple of photographic documentaries focused on two of the indigenous communities they work with. I wanted to show two diverse communities living under different circumstances. One materially poor but culturally strong the other more westernised but culturally devastated. My first trip was to Namibia to stay with the Himba people. They lived in small communities on the boarder with Angola. Though without what we would consider basic amenities like electricity and running water they were a very strong culturally.
Their land was under threat from a proposed dam that would flood much of their land. Survival International was working with them to stop this or have it's location changed to respect the people living of the land.
Their land was under threat from a proposed dam that would flood much of their land. Survival International was working with them to stop this or have it's location changed to respect the people living of the land.