During my student days I went along to lots of demonstrations and picket lines. It was the early years for Thatcher and the government put itself on a collision course with the unions and manufacturing industries. New labour laws restricted the ability of people to defend their jobs and business's were given all the rights to restrict strikes. The Miners Strike and the Wapping dispute with the printers were major industrial conflicts that shaped the future of the industrial landscape. Also the Anti-Apartheid movement was very active at the time. These are some of the images I shot back then printed as very rough work prints.
The Iron Lady herself.
Scotish Conservative Party Conference, Perth, 1987
Scotish Conservative Party Conference, Perth, 1987
Miner at rally in support of the Miners Strike, London, October 1984.
Pickets outside the News International works during what was know as the Wapping Dispute. The dispute was about the sacking of 6000 printers who refused to sign up for worse pay and conditions. Wapping, London, December 1986
Police outside the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool. 1990
Three women at a rally in support of the Miners Strike, October 1984
A picket being arrested outside the News International works during what was know as the Wapping Dispute. London, December 1986
Police and pickets clash outside the News International works during what was know as the Wapping Dispute. London, December 1986
Police and demonstrators clash during an Anti-Apartheid demo outside South Africa House in Trafalgar Square. London 1985
Arthur Scargill, the leader of the National Union of Mineworkers, speaking at a London rally in support of the Miners Strike. London 1984
Tony Benn MP, speaking at a London rally in support of the Miners Strike. London 1984
Riot police out during big disturbances during the Wapping dispute. London 1986
Jesse Jackson at an Anti-Apartheid demonstration in London. 1984.
Pickets shouting at a couch bringing in strike breakers outside the News International works during what was know as the Wapping Dispute. London, December 1986
Wapping, London 1986
A picket being arrested outside the News International works during what was know as the Wapping Dispute. London, December 1986
Police and demonstrators clash during an Anti-Apartheid demo outside South Africa House in Trafalgar Square. London 1985
Police and demonstrators clash during an Anti-Apartheid demo outside South Africa House in Trafalgar Square. London 1985
Police and demonstrators clash during an Anti-Apartheid demo outside South Africa House in Trafalgar Square. London 1985
March in support of the Miners Strike, London, 1984.