Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
Shoppers and sellers in one of Dakar's busy street markets
The Senegalese flag
Drivers and mechanics at one of the private bus depots. the private buses are known locally as Car rapide and form the backbone of the public tranport system.
Drivers and mechanics at one of the private bus depots. the private buses are known locally as Car rapide and form the backbone of the public tranport system.
Kids playing accobatics on Baie de mermoz beach in Dakar.
Sports spectator.
Fishiing boats unloading the day's catch, Terrain de basket de Liberté.
Fishiing boats unloading the day's catch, Terrain de basket de Liberté.